Refer a friend to receive 3000 points and $65 off Barkmall coupon!

Refer a friend to receive 3000 points and $65 off Barkmall coupon!

Looking for pet supplies plus promo code or pet supplies discount, or how to save more when buying pet supplies? You reached the correct place. In this article you can find dog supplies coupons, cat supplies coupons and general pet supplies coupon!

Raising a pet is one of the most wonderful things in the world. But we all know raising pets come with sizeable expenses. The amount you spend on pet supplies is probably higher than raising a human child. So it's not uncommon that you, like any other pet owners, always look for a trustworthy and affordable pet supplies source to purchase on.

Barkmall is the largest online marketplace for pet supplies in Hong Kong. At Barkmall you can find the largest variety of dog supplies or cat supplies and you have every opportunity to earn discount vouchers and coupon for your own use for your pets!

In this article, we'll go through Barkmall's offers especially when you refer a friend, and how you can redeem the friend-brings-friend offer on Barkmall. We got you covered head to paw, tails, whiskers n paws.

Before we start, there's something we should let you know. Starting from 4th November, Barkmall is lowering the minimum order value for free delivery. You read right. You only have to purchase HK$250 or above to enjoy the 2-day express free delivery! Coupled with a coupon, that can very easily equal to free pet supplies.

Barkmall's Referral Program

We all know that "sharing is caring"; in other words, it's a joy to share and spread the word. Barkmall is offering great discounts and rewards for you and your friends. Check out the program details for referrers and referees below:

Benefits: referrer will receive 3,000 Barkmall reward points for every successful referral transactions. Referee will receive $65 off site-wide discount code when placing the first order.

Referrer Eligibility: As long as you have a Barkmall account you are eligible to be a referrer.

not a member yet? create an account for free!

Referee Eligibility (your friends): New account with no order placed before

Referee Orders Eligibility: Order Value over $650

Please note terms and conditions apply when participate in this program. It's really easy to earn points and rewards on Barkmall. Just by creating an account you can start earning points and convert those to cash discounts upon placing orders at Barkmall. For more details about Barkmall's Reward Programme see here.

Steps to Join Referral Program

#1 | Go to

You will see their on going promotion in "Today's Deals", where you can find pet supplies deals. Or you can browse "Shop" for the detailed pet supplies categories

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