Pet Spaying & Neutering: Why & What to Do After Surgery

Pet Spaying & Neutering: Why & What to Do After Surgery

After surgery, your neutered pet will require time and a little extra attention to ensure their body properly heals. The following aftercare instructions provide guidelines for the next several days of your pet's recovery, as well as what to expect and to avoid.

What is spay and neuter?

Spay and neuter are meaning remove the surgical removal of part or all of an animal's reproductive organs. Spaying female pets involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries. Desexed male pets involves the removal of both testicles. In Hong Kong, it can be also called "desexing" sometimes. Desexing surgery is not only applied to cats and dogs, but also small animals.


Why spay and neuter?

Spaying or neutering is one of the most responsible ways pet owners can care for their pets. Apart from avoiding to have unexpected puppies or kittens, spay and neutering can keep our pets safe. These procedures also have specific health benefits that can help a dog or cat live a healthier, longer life, and they may reduce behavioural issues.

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